Frequently Asqued Questions
How does the platform work?
Every Monday morning from 2nd September, 2024, you will receive your lesson according to which module you have subscribed to. If you are studying the ‘Full Package’, you will receive material on Topics, the Supuesto Practico, the Syllabus Document (PD) and the Didactic Unit (UD).
You simply log in and download the materials/videos at a time to suit you.
What happens when I want to rehearse my ‘defensa’?
In May you will start to rehearse the defensa in 2 parts at home. Each part is 30 minutes.
I will ask you to record 2 videos and send them to me. I will prepare feedback and you will then be offered between 1 and 3 coaching sessions before the end of June to perfect your presentation.
When do I need to talk/write about legislation?
National and key regional legislation needs to be mentioned:
- in your Topic,
- in more depth in your Syllabus document and ‘defensa’
- it is also useful to mention it in the presentation of your UD. This shows that you have made the connection between your activities and the legislation/curriculum.
How can I get more ‘méritos’ before June 2025?
Check out for information on the courses on offer in your region which give you points or méritos which will be added to your exam mark. This website should only tell you about courses which are ‘homologados’ in the different regions.
The websites of the teaching unions STEPV and ANPE are also helpful.
What are the usual timings for the whole process from start to finish?
These timings are based on the 2019 Opos in Comunidad Valenciana but they give you an idea of the intervals between stages.
June 26 Topic.
June 27 Supuesto Práctico.
July 3 Results of Part 1
(2-3 days are allowed to appeal your decision).
July 8 – 12 Defensa – alphabetical order/6 candidates seen per day
per Tribunal.
July 15 Provisional results published online.
July 19 Present meritos/baremo.
August 1 Definitive/final list published online.